Curated by Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Established in 2014, Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun is a not-for-profit artist-run organisation in Leeds city centre. The Gallery, alongside the newly acquired project space, provides an annual programme of contemporary art exhibitions, events, residencies and commissions, predominately focusing on emerging artists. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun also presents a permanent collection of art works throughout the building as well as providing onsite studios for 20 emerging artists.
Artists exhibiting:
Lily Ackroyd-Willoughby, Simeon Barclay, Tavienne Bridgwater, Melissa Burn, Philip Coyne, Ella Cronk, Claudia Dance-Wells, Jack Fisher, Jamie Hudson, Ian Jackson, Joshua Johnson, Francis Lloyd-Jones, Josef Zachary, Shanley Jackson, Alfie Strong and Adam Townend