Tangled Dance Company

Tangled Dance Company

Tangled Dance Company is committed to making contemporary dance accessible to the public. Their performances are produced to engage with audiences of all ages, with stories simple and visually stimulating enough for children, with added depth written into the work that gives adults the opportunity to anaylse further. They are also passionate about working in outdoor spaces, performing without the constraints of a traditional theatre environment and also encourage audience participation during their shows. All graduates of the Northern School of Contemporary Dance, their performers have all received a high standard of training and work professionally and efficiently when creating new work.

Tangled’s contribution to this year’s festival ‘Once Upon a Twisted Tale’ focuses on the timeless stories and fairy tales of our childhood twisted and entwined together to create an enchanting dance performance. The piece is a static performance that the group has just taken on its first summer tour, which included an appearance at the Urban Moves International Dance Festival in Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester.
